AES tak beroperasi musim perayaan

Lumut: Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) tidak akan beroperasi sepanjang musim perayaan Tahun Baru Cina bulan depan, kata Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.

Begitupun, katanya, penguatkuasaan undang-undang jalan raya tetap diperketatkan di kawasan terbabit dan yang berisiko tinggi menerusi Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ), Polis Trafik dan Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD).
“Kita tidak akan menggunakan AES sepanjang musim perayaan kerana perkara itu masih belum diputuskan oleh Peguam Negara.

“Bagaimanapun, operasi bersepadu tetap berjalan seperti biasa dan kita mahu semua pengguna jalan raya mematuhi peraturan ditetapkan demi keselamatan nyawa orang ramai,” katanya selepas merasmikan Majlis Derma Darah anjuran Kelab Lions Sitiawan di Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SRJKT) Pundut di sini kelmarin.

Cho Ha yang juga Ahli Parlimen Lumut berkata, JPJ akan menempatkan anggotanya yang menyamar sebagai penumpang bas ekspres sepanjang operasi bersepadu itu.

Katanya, langkah itu perlu bagi memerhati dan mencatatkan kesalahan lalu lintas serta tingkah laku pemandu bas ekspres sepanjang perjalanan bagi mengelak sebarang kemalangan membabitkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam itu.

Beliau berkata, JPJ juga menjalankan penguatkuasaan lain termasuk pemeriksaan bas ekspres di 64 depoh bas yang dimiliki syarikat bas ekspres utama.
“Penggunaan kenderaan perkhidmatan awam pada tahun ini dijangka meningkat kepada 21 peratus berbanding 17 peratus tahun lalu.

“Sehubungan itu, tindakan penguatkuasaan JPJ bagi memastikan bas dinaiki selamat dari segi teknikal serta pemanduan,” katanya.  

Source From : Berita Harian                              

Automated Enforcement System explained in video

Automated Enforcement System explained in video :


Mahfuz: We'll conduct study on AES first

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar said that Pakatan Rakyat would carry out a feasibility study on the Automated Enforcement System if Pakatan comes to power.

This contradicted the statement by de facto opposition leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, that Pakatan would scrap the AES if it came to power.
At a press conference yester-day, Mahfuz could not provide a clear answer when asked whether AES would still be implemented under Pakatan should the loose coalition win the coming general election.
"I'm not saying that we are going to abolish the system but rather, halt its operations by switching off the cameras, pending a review.
"We are saying this because we want the government to suspend the AES during the study of the system."
He said among the issues to be studied by Pakatan were details of the agreement between the government and companies, ATES Sdn Bhd and Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd, on the implementation of the cameras.
"I suspect that the companies are gaining most from the agreement," alleged Mahfuz.
A review on the system is being conducted by the Attorney-Gen-eral's Chambers and the Road Transport Department relating to laws and technicality following a public outcry on the AES' "sensitivity" in detecting speeding vehicles.
The number of traffic offences at 14 locations have dropped drastically following the installation of the cameras last year.
Mahfuz also pro-mised that Pakatan would do away with all AES summonses issued before the study was held.
To an unrelated issue, Mahfuz declined to comment on a ban on women performers by the Pas-led Kedah state government from taking part in Chinese New Year stage shows.
He instead asked reporters to direct the questions to the Kedah state government.
"The decision is made by Kedah state officials. The statement on the matter comes from the state government.
"So, you (reporters) better direct the questions to them."

Read more: News Straits Times

AES traffic fines are valid,says A-G

KUALA LUMPUR: Summonses issued under the Automated Enforcement System (AES) will not be written off even though court proceedings to hear them have been frozen.
Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail said the summonses that have been issued to date were legally binding.
“I must reiterate that the summonses are valid. But I do not allow prosecution because I need all issues (related to AES) to be sorted out first,” he said when met at the Transformation of Security and Fundamental Rights Legislation conference here yesterday.
Gani said his office needed time to sort out issues relating to the AES as well as to ensure all regulations and procedures were in place before court proceedings were initiated.
The A-G's Chambers decided to freeze all court proceedings related to summonses issued under the AES after legal concerns were raised by certain quarters.
MCA had called for a six-month trial period to educate road users on the implementation of the AES and to give them time to adjust to the system.
Gani also said he would be meeting the Bar Council soon to discuss the proposed reforms on legal education.
He added that discussions would also focus on the formation of a high-level task force to gather opinion and views from relevant stakeholders.
He said he had agreed to the reform which would also cover language proficiency, particularly English.
“This is our effort to transform the country's legal sector. The Government is transforming and all the processes must move in tandem. We want to do our part to ensure that Malaysia provides the best possible service in all sectors.
“We will also rope in legal representatives from Sabah and Sarawak to get their views. The Chambers and Bar Council hope we can come up with a list of concrete ideas because we want to see the reforms materialise,” he said.
On another matter, the A-G said he had yet to receive any report about a website which featured an article defaming a certain High Court judge.
“If this is true, the website's action is a serious one. But I have not received any report on this and I am hearing it for the first time from you (reporters),” he said.
Earlier at the conference, Gani said the Media Council Bill was currently being drafted and his office had eight meetings with various media representatives including the Foreign Correspondents Club and bloggers.
He added that with the abolition of Sedition Act 1948, legal recourse could still be sought through criminal and civil defamation or the laws of contempt.KUALA LUMPUR: Summonses issued under the Automated Enforcement System (AES) will not be written off even though court proceedings to hear them have been frozen.
Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail said the summonses that have been issued to date were legally binding.
“I must reiterate that the summonses are valid. But I do not allow prosecution because I need all issues (related to AES) to be sorted out first,” he said when met at the Transformation of Security and Fundamental Rights Legislation conference here yesterday.
Gani said his office needed time to sort out issues relating to the AES as well as to ensure all regulations and procedures were in place before court proceedings were initiated.
The A-G's Chambers decided to freeze all court proceedings related to summonses issued under the AES after legal concerns were raised by certain quarters.
MCA had called for a six-month trial period to educate road users on the implementation of the AES and to give them time to adjust to the system.
Gani also said he would be meeting the Bar Council soon to discuss the proposed reforms on legal education.
He added that discussions would also focus on the formation of a high-level task force to gather opinion and views from relevant stakeholders.
He said he had agreed to the reform which would also cover language proficiency, particularly English.
“This is our effort to transform the country's legal sector. The Government is transforming and all the processes must move in tandem. We want to do our part to ensure that Malaysia provides the best possible service in all sectors.
“We will also rope in legal representatives from Sabah and Sarawak to get their views. The Chambers and Bar Council hope we can come up with a list of concrete ideas because we want to see the reforms materialise,” he said.
On another matter, the A-G said he had yet to receive any report about a website which featured an article defaming a certain High Court judge.
“If this is true, the website's action is a serious one. But I have not received any report on this and I am hearing it for the first time from you (reporters),” he said.
Earlier at the conference, Gani said the Media Council Bill was currently being drafted and his office had eight meetings with various media representatives including the Foreign Correspondents Club and bloggers.
He added that with the abolition of Sedition Act 1948, legal recourse could still be sought through criminal and civil defamation or the laws of contempt.

Source From : The Star

A-G admits to weaknesses in AES

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 13 — Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail has admitted there are weaknesses in the controversial Automated Enforcement System (AES) to nab traffic offenders, but said his office was still in discussions over how to resolve the matter.
In a report today by Mingguan Malaysia, the country’s top lawyer said the decision over the fate of the thousands of summonses issued so far under the system could not revealed yet as it involves the cooperation of numerous agencies.
“I will release a statement to the media once everything is ready,” he was quoted as saying in the daily.
Abdul Gani (picture), however, said the summonses were still valid but admitted that the problematic issue was centred on the legal aspects of the speeding tickets.
The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and the federal government came under fire last month for freezing the prosecution of traffic offenders under the AES yet allowing the system to continue operating.
The freeze was ordered following an outcry after the system issued nearly 300,000 summonses since it kicked off on September 23.
But shortly after the freeze, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said the AES would still operate as usual and summonses would continue to be issued, drawing more criticisms from those opposing the system.
“The government will not stop AES summons as it is already been decided in the last cabinet meeting,” Kong had said on December 26, referring to the approval of his ministry’s estimated expenditure under Budget 2013.
Kong also appeared to admit that there are legal issues related to the AES summonses themselves, and that the ministry was in the process of resolving the complication.

“It is almost done... I think this problem will be solved by the ministry soon,” he pointed out.
In the aftermath, PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar declared the ongoing row over the traffic system a “political game”, and dared the government to suspend its implementation.
The opposition lawmaker accused Putrajaya of being less than transparent in the deal with the two firms operating the system — Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd and ATES Sdn Bhd, which were both contracted to install and run the speed-trap camera system that has sparked much public anger over what is seen to be a privatisation of traffic law enforcement.
The Malaysian Insider had also reported last month that Putrajaya was considering holding off the implementation of the system as it appeared to duplicate police speed traps along the highways.
The privatised RM700 million project began in September with a pilot phase of 14 cameras but the Road Transport Department has pledged to roll out a total of 831 cameras by end-2013 to catch speeding motorists and prevent more road deaths.
The police, who enforce the speeding laws, have said they will continue enforcement and put up mobile speed traps near the AES cameras, raising the prospect of dual fines for errant motorists.

Source From : Malaysia Insider

Peguam Negara akan umum perkembangan prosiding saman AES

PUTRAJAYA 12 Jan. - Jabatan Peguam Negara akan mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai perkembangan prosiding saman Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) selepas semua perkara membabitkan isu itu diselesaikan.

Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail berkata, keputusan mengenai perkara itu tidak dapat diumumkan pada masa ini kerana pihaknya perlu bekerjasama dengan semua agensi berkenaan untuk mendapatkan maklumat terperinci.

''Saya akan keluarkan kenyataan kepada media selepas semuanya telah tersedia," katanya secara ringkas kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis pembukaan Tahun Perundangan 2013 di Istana Kehakiman di sini hari ini.

Jabatan Peguam Negara pada 18 Disember tahun lalu mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa semua prosiding berkaitan saman AES ditangguh sementara sehingga beberapa isu bersifat undang-undang dan teknikal diselesaikan.

Jabatan itu menegaskan bahawa saman AES yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) adalah sah tetapi pihaknya mengambil berat beberapa perkara undang-undang dan teknikal yang ditimbulkan.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Abdul Gani berkata, pihaknya telah memulakan projek perintis Bekerja Dari Rumah pada 1 Oktober lalu dengan melibatkan 36 pegawai yang menunjukkan prestasi kerja yang tinggi.
"Projek ini dijayakan melalui pelbagai inovasi teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) seperti Sistem Integrasi Pengurusan Perundangan (ILMS) dan Sistem Pengurusan Tugas (TMS)," katanya.

Sementara itu, beliau yang juga merupakan Pengerusi Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) berkata, sehingga 31 Oktober lalu, seramai 40,483 orang telah menerima bantuan daripada 788 peguam panel yayasan tersebut.

"Kerajaan komited untuk menyediakan dana berjumlah RM20 juta pada tahun ini, berbanding RM10 juta pada 2012 dan RM5 juta pada 2011," katanya.

Source From : Utusan Online

34,980 dipanggil ke mahkamah Slim River hari ini

TANJONG MALIM: Perbicaraan kes saman mangsa Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) yang dijadualkan berlangsung di Mahkamah Majistret Slim River hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan apabila Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) tidak mendaftarkan kes tersebut di mahkamah.

Seramai lebih 100 Orang Kena Saman (OKS) daripada 34 980 kes hadir untuk mengikuti perbicaraan namun ianya tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

Mangsa saman AES dibenarkan pulang selepas mengisi nama dan memaklumkan kehadiran kepada pegawai JPJ yang bertugas.

Beberapa mangsa yang hadir menyatakan kekesalannya apabila merasakan diri mereka dianiaya serta dipermainkan oleh pihak kerajaan.

Ramai mangsa yang hadir daripada jauh termasuklah Johor, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Selangor berasa terkilan kerana terpaksa menghabiskan wang ringgit untuk hadir ke mahkamah namun ianya tidak dapat dijalankan seperti yang tertulis dalam surat saman.

Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Perak, Ustaz Misbahul Munir Masduki (gambar) yang turut hadir ke mahkamah berkata, pihak JPJ seharusnya memaklumkan kepada OKS agar tidak menimbulkan kesukaran kepada mereka.

Menurutnya, proses saman ini dilihat kelam kabut dalam prosuder mengendalikan proses ini dan beliau hairan kenapa saman tersebut masih dikeluarkan walaupun ia tidak dapat dibicarakan.

"Kerajaan mesti bertanggungjawab dalam hal ini kerana tidak memberi penyelesaian yang kongkrit.

"Sepatutnya kerajaan serius kerana ianya melibatkan kepentingan rakyat di negara ini dan kerajaan tidak sepatutnya berniaga dengan rakyat dalam isu ini," katanya kepada Harakahdaily.

Ditanya tentang jumlah mangsa saman yang tinggi iaitu 34 980 kes, beliau berkata, ianya membuktikan bahawa syarikat kroni akan mendapat keuntungan yang sangat tinggi jika sistem ini diteruskan.

Misbahul menjelaskan, kamera AES ini beroperasi 24 jam tanpa henti sehinggakan berjaya menangkap 34 980 pesalah di Slim River sahaja.

Sementara itu, Peguam PAS, Zamri Ibrahim ketika dihubungi berkata, perbicaraan kes turut berlangsung di beberapa tempat di Perak termasuklah di Mahkamah Majistret Tapah, Mahkamah Majistret Ipoh, Mahkamah Majistret Sungai Siput dan Mahkamah Majistret Taiping.

Beliau berkata, setakat ini tiada makluman Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk melakukan pendakwaan terhadap penerima-penerima notis saman tersebut.

Sehubungan itu katanya, peguam-peguam PAS yang terlihat hanya bersedia dan akan ke mahkamah jika adanya pendakwaan untuk memberikan khidmat guaman percuma sebagaimana telah dinyatakan sebelum ini.

"Kami bagi pihak peguam PAS sentiasa bersedia memberi khidmat guaman kepada mangsa saman AES dan mengajak rakyat terus berjuang menentang sistem ini," tegas beliau.

Hadir sama ke mahkamah ialah Ketua Penerangan PAS Perak, Ustaz Nuri Al-Amin dan Penolong Setiausaha Pemuda PAS Perak, Safarizal Saleh.

Source From :

New Year’s Fundamental Change

Speculation is rife over the sudden transfer of former Road Safety Department director-general Leslie Leon to Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) effective from yesterday.

It is learned that the recent brickbat on the lack of information of Automated Enforcement System (AES) to the public and its importance to road safety effort have led to the decision of changing key government staff in 2013.

The new man at the helm of Putrajaya’s administration on road safety acumen is Datuk Dr Tam Weng Wah. He was formerly the director-general of Public Complaints Bureau (PCB) under the Prime Minister’s Department from November 10, 2008 until Monday.

Director-General of Road Safety Department
Datuk Dr Tam Weng Wah.
Tam was considered as an excellent communicator to PCB stakeholders while succeeded to resolve several long outstanding complaints put forward by rakyat.

Some observers cited lack of integrated communication on the AES and concerted effort by the agencies under the Transport Ministry over the past few months as the main reasons of latest shuffle.

“There is an urgent need to clear the air about the AES issue as part of the long term road safety objectives. The dissemination of information could have been better,” said a source to Cars, Bikes & Trucks (CBT) last night.

However, the source cautioned that the change of personnel was more about beefing up the AES implementation.

“Remember, at the moment AGC is studying on the best mechanism on the AES legal cases and Leslie coming into to the Chambers would certainly assist them to address the loopholes,” said the insider.

Source From :

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013 to all AES Detector Users !


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